Like the book, took a second try to start liking it. (Book and the adapted film, should accept they're rather different yet can both be good.) Don't remember me being obsessed about anything, not for long at least...when am I going to find such a passion.
凌 天:
9.5/10通过一个青少年走向杀人犯的故事表达对60年代中华民国无处不在的“白色恐怖”的批判杨德昌四个小时无一特写无一画外配乐大量运用中全远景长镜头(大部分是固定)配以昏黄的调色、昏暗的布光、去戏剧化的表达手法展现了一种自然主义式的残酷/冷漠而压抑不安的气氛 电影中还有很多值得一提的视听设计如以手电筒视觉化小四对美好生活的找寻;以「running man 110313」为原理运用画外空间去展现难言的悲伤(如结尾的录音机声音)